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Clear Aligners - Plainview & Hicksville NY

Clear Aligners

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Discover Straight Teeth and A New Smile With Clear Aligners

Are gaps or crooked teeth forcing you to hide your smile? Are you afraid of enduring the embarrassment or discomfort of traditional braces? If you answered “yes” to these questions, clear aligners may be your perfect fit. Our dentists at Max Dental Group have treated numerous patients like you. We’ll treat you with customized clear aligners, so you will soon enjoy straight teeth and a natural smile.

The benefits of clear aligners are life-changing. Since your aligners are removable, you can eat all your favorite foods and easily practice your oral hygiene routine. Also, instead of the bulky embarrassment of braces, you can show off your smile with clear aligners. Throughout your orthodontic treatment, we offer regular cleanings to ensure your teeth stay healthy and your smile bright.

invisalign clear aligners

The Benefits of Clear Aligner Treatment

young man smiling outside

With your teeth aligned, you can brush and floss them easily.

Straighter Teeth, Improved Oral Health

While you’ll undoubtedly see dramatic improvements to the aesthetics of your smile with clear aligners, this orthodontic treatment also offers you many other benefits. Bacterial build-up and plaque from food particles get trapped between crooked teeth. Without proper treatment, plaque turns into tartar, leading to cavities and gingivitis, which can cause chronic gum disease. With your teeth aligned, you can brush and floss them easily. Moreover, crooked and misaligned teeth can cause teeth grinding, clenching, TMJ dysfunction, and jaw pain. Clear aligner orthodontic treatment will align your teeth and restore their functionality, revitalizing your smile.

Very nice lady smiling looking into a mirror and she has nice eyes

Your Personalized Clear Aligner Treatment

Our dentists have undergone specialized training to be certified in clear aligner placement. At your initial consultation, we will address your questions and concerns. Our team will also assess your current oral health. If you are not suffering from more complex orthodontic problems, you’ll likely be a great candidate for CLEAR ALIGNERS. If you and our doctors decide this orthodontic treatment is a good fit for you, our team will take impressions of your teeth to create your customized clear aligners.

 You should wear the aligners every day for 20-22 hours and only remove them for eating, brushing, and flossing. If your aligners aren’t fitting as well as they should be, a refinement period may be needed to perfect your smile, and our doctors will discuss this with you. This usually occurs when you’re about 80% of the way through your original treatment plan. With clear aligners, your teeth will gradually straighten, revealing your beautiful, more confident smile.


We understand the life-changing benefits of straight teeth, but we also know that financial restraints prevent many people from getting quality orthodontic treatment. However, our team strives to eliminate these financial obstacles for you. This is why we work with most major insurance companies and will file your claim. Max Dental Group also works with several third-party finance companies because we want you to enjoy a healthy, happy smile.

Say goodbye to crooked teeth!

Contact us today to discover the benefits of Clear Aligners.

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