Are missing teeth making it difficult to speak or painful to eat? Or are the gaps in your smile leaving you feeling self-conscious and discouraged? Dentures are a time-tested and cost-effective way to enhance your smile and function and regain your youthful appearance, even after you’ve lost most or all your teeth. Though dentures of the past have a lousy reputation, advancements in techniques and materials make dentures of today a customizable, comfortable, and attractive solution for missing teeth.
At Max Dental Group, we offer high-quality yet affordable denture. No matter how many teeth you’ve lost, our dentist can help you smile confidently and restore your dental function with modern dentures in Hicksville and Plainview, NY.
Modern dentures come in many different shapes and sizes to fit the unique needs of your oral health situation. Complete dentures are designed to replace an arch of missing or failing teeth. They’re generally made from acrylic or porcelain and rely on natural suction or adhesives to remain in place. Partial dentures are customized to fit around remaining teeth and fill in gaps of missing teeth. They can be made with a plastic or metal framework, relying on clasps to remain secure. Both dentures and partial dentures are removable, making hygiene maintenance easy.
Our team at Max Dental Group provides complete and partial dentures personalized to your oral health needs and smile goals. We’ll first take a series of impressions of your jaw ridge and oral tissues, which will be used to handcraft your new dentures in Hicksville and Plainview, NY. This incredibly detailed and precise process involves the skill and artistry of an experienced dental lab technician.
He or she will carefully design and build your dentures to look and feel just like natural teeth and gums. Throughout this process, you may need to return to our Hicksville and Plainview, NY, office for a wax try-in to verify the proper fit. Once this highly customized process is finished, your dentures will be ready for their final fitting in your mouth, and you’ll be able to leave our office with a beautifully complete, healthy, and youthful smile.
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