A perfect smile requires ideal harmony between pink gums and white teeth. Excessive gingival (gum) appearance, known as a gummy smile, results in more gum tissue exposure when smiling than is desirable. Crown lengthening can be performed as part of restorative dentistry but is foremost done to resolve gummy smiles for cosmetic reasons. At Max Dental Group, crown lengthening in Hicksville and Plainview, NY, can restore a fully functioning smile and improve your self-confidence and quality of life.
Crown lengthening can be performed as part of restorative dentistry but is foremost done to resolve gummy smiles for cosmetic reasons.
When a tooth is decayed, broken below the gum line, or has insufficient crown height, a tooth lengthening procedure exposes adequate tooth structure to support a restoration. For gummy smiles, the goal is to create the appearance of a smooth, gradual curve when you smile. The amount of gum tissue that needs to be removed with a crown extension procedure is based on your smile line, lip position, and the number of teeth involved.
 These factors also determine the cost of crown lengthening. Our skilled periodontist, Dr. Graig Fischgrund, removes gum tissue (gingivectomy) and repositions it (removing a small amount of bone) to expose more of your natural teeth. This can be done on one tooth, multiple teeth, or your entire gum line. We can often use laser technology to rebalance and restore your gums without sedation.
Our crown lengthening procedure offers both esthetic and oral health benefits. Our skilled team ensures that each tooth and gum arch is carefully shaped to achieve a natural and balanced smile with the ideal tooth-to-gum ratio. During the crown lengthening surgery, performed under the chosen sedation method for your comfort, Dr. Fischgrund expertly removes the necessary tissue to achieve the desired results. While there may be minor swelling and discomfort initially, the aesthetic improvements appear soon after. With the affordable cost of crown lengthening, you can confidently enjoy your beautiful new smile for years to come, experiencing enhanced confidence and oral well-being.
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